Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So are the days of my life!

I have had a very interesting couple of weeks! After going through the dismal experience of yet another colonoscopy last week, and trying to recover from the flare-up it caused, I had the the joy of having a CT scan yesterday.

Of course, this couldn't go as most things in my life, lol. I had the confirmation phone call on Monday saying to be at the hospital for 9:15, a few minutes early for paperwork. I thought "awesome, I can sleep in a bit", oh how silly I am! I wasn't told that I had to drink 2 litres of contrast in 2 hours and then get hooked up to an IV contrast for the scan. Oh wait, did I mention I was suppose to write a make-up test at noon from Monday? That's right, because old man winter decided to seize an emergency brake cable in my truck (if I could drive backwards legally, I would have!). Side note: Kind of explains why my truck got stuck last week and why the brakes were sticking, hmmm....hindsight! my small amount of panic, I called my dear mom for some damage control. She emailed my teacher saying that I was essentially at the mercy of the hospital and might not make it to my test. Thankfully, and quite surprisingly, my teacher said not worry, I can make it up Wednesday morning. She also said that I was quite the awesome girl and a trooper...this from the woman that I thought despised me! Hopefully she likes me enough to pass me!

Here I am now; my tests written, only my MRI to go next week, and my truck fixed! Thank goodness! Now what??? I was getting used to the chaos! Things are going to be boring now! I don't even have any gifts left to wrap, geez...maybe I'll go make a snowman! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jell-O Sucks Today!

So here I am, on a liquid diet because I have a colonoscopy scheduled tomorrow morning. As I was reading over the directions on what I can and cannot eat, I got hungry...I mean starved! (I am really hungry right now actually, and have you ever noticed how many television commercials revolve around food!!) I am allowed to drink Powerade, clear juice, soup broth, ginger ale, jell-o, and that`s it! I just shoveled the driveway and I`m exhausted...probably going to have a nap soon! :)

I understand the importance of doing this prep for the procedure, which is why I haven`t cheated and ate bread or anything yummy! I`m just hoping I don`t keel over from lack of food! I`ve been trying to think of what meal I want for after my procedure tomorrow...could be anything from pizza to seafood! I`m used to eating 6 to 7 times a day because of the diet that I follow and my Crohn`s disease, so this is just torture!

I still have the second stage of this hell tonight. Should be an interesting night, thank goodness we have 2 washrooms in the house.

I have a CT scan and MRI coming up, at least there`s no crazy prep for those, just no liquids or food for 2 hours before...that I can handle. This, I may perish! lol