Friday, October 16, 2009

Just Going to Vent About Lack of Common Sense!

I am still having trouble understanding how so many people in society have such a hard time grasping basic concepts!

For example; when talking to a friend in a hallway, why are you standing in the middle of the hall...can't you move over so people don't have to walk around you!? Example No. 2; when texting, your feet automatically slow down (this is for the people who can't chew gum and walk at the same time!) so why don't you find a seat somewhere for two minutes so I don't run you over!? Bored yet...I can keep going! How about when in a library!? Aren't you suppose to keep quiet and work? Not cruise around on Facebook and yell to your buddy across from you about how drunk you were last night!?

(I think I'm starting to feel better!)

What else!? Oh yeah, when driving! Why must you slow pieces of dirt sit in the middle or fast lane? Highway driving etiquette 101: When on the highway, if one chooses to go slow, keep in the right lane. If said individual wants to pass another, move into the middle lane, pass, and then proceed into the right lane again. The middle and fast lanes are for passing, not sitting in at 100 km and picking your nose!

Oh, here's a good one! To those people who answer phones in offices for a living...could you please not sound like it's the end of the world!! You choose to be in that job so try to be a little bit friendly.

I have so much more where all of that came from! I sometimes feel like people have a genetic defect that denies them common sense! Anyone else have something that tics them off!?

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