Tuesday, November 23, 2010

CCFC Educational Symposium!

On Sunday, my mom and I attended the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation Educational Symposium. I missed it last year, actually...I chickened out last year from going. I don't think I was quite ready to grasp the Crohn's community and embrace it.

It was such an eye-opener! Seeing that 100% of the fundraising efforts that the CCFC does, goes straight to research! This is so important to ensure that all that money is getting used to the maximum. And, because of that money, some researchers are on the brink of some serious breakthroughs. There are new genes that are being identified as possible contributors to Crohn's and Colitis. This means that soon, maybe, there may be a way to isolate these genes and eliminate the symptoms of C & C.

Also, I learned a heck of a lot about Probiotics! These could save me from being a very, very sick girl! I'm on 4 different medications right now, one of which being Imuran, an immunosuppressent. The probiotics may boost my immune system and help the rest of my body to function on a healthier level. If my body can do less work being healthy, it can concentrate on healing the Crohn's lesions and extra-intestinal manifestations! Very exciting for me! I'm also going to get my family started on probiotics, there is an awesome website that explains everything about them by Allison Tannis, RHN (who's originally from Barrie!) www.allisontannis.com.

It's good to see that there is hope out there for a cure or, at least, a chance at maintaining my Crohn's without harmful pharmaceuticals!

That's all for now!

Monday, November 15, 2010

So,..here we go again!

Well it's going to be a long couple months! I went back to my gastroenterologist last week and I've been put on a crazy array of medications; Prednisone, Cipro, Flagyl, and Imuran. I also have a colonoscopy, CT scan, and MRI coming up in the next month. Whew....this should be interesting.

So far, I've actually felt alright; no weird side effects from any meds. As long as I don't get puffy from the Prednisone, I think I'll be OK with any of it.

I had a little breakdown last week, well a couple little ones to be honest, but I've come to terms with it all and am ready to take on my Crohn's from this angle. My doctor seemed really positive that he could help me get better started a week or so after I start my medications.

I am also part of a study, called REACT, that is to help my doctor and I treat my Crohn's in the best way possible. Every 2 months I will be filling in questionnaires, a follow-up on 6 months, and the number and email of my research nurse for any questions I may have. I'm feeling hopeful again that I can live a "normal" life. That's a scary thought though, after having Crohn's for 12 years I'm not sure what "normal" really is. I think that's what I'm most afraid of is adapting to a life where Crohn's won't be the focal point and the thing I can't escape from....I might be able to do more things; like travel, long canoe trips, random, spontaneous things that everyone else seems to do!!!!!!! Fingers crossed! :)

I have a great group of people around me that help me everyday, they know who they are, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart! :) xo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On the Up and Up! :)

Well I'm going to gloat a little bit! I have been in a really good mood for the last couple of weeks. Karma must be on my side or something! It started with my health making a 180, work picking up a bit more, meeting someone, starting Taichi and getting a little perspective on things thanks to the CCFC.

I'm not sure how my specialists are going to like my going off any form of medication, but I don't care...I haven't felt this good in months! I've researched a lot of different methods and the pros and cons of everything so I'm educated when I have to sit down with them. That feels pretty good, to know where you stand and being prepared.

Next, a couple personal painting jobs that I'm doing quotes on and working for my older drywall boss when I'm not painting. Money doesn't make the world go 'round, but it's sure gonna help!

And then, "someone"! Ya, well...I'm going to keep that to myself, but it's going really well!!! :) Looks like it's going to be a good winter!

The CCFC has given me a renewed hope, ya...that's cheesy but it's true! I've become acquainted with some awesome people and been able to talk about having Crohn's and the different types of treatments every one's gone through. It makes going through things a lot easier and it's been great creating awareness for the cure.

Then the Taichi!!! This one I'm really excited about! I've only had 2 classes so far but I am totally connecting with something and I feel more self-aware. I look forward to the classes for some calm and centering. Apparently I'm a natural too! lol

So that's it...a happy, happy, joy, joy blog because that's how I'm feeling! :)