Monday, November 15, 2010

So, we go again!

Well it's going to be a long couple months! I went back to my gastroenterologist last week and I've been put on a crazy array of medications; Prednisone, Cipro, Flagyl, and Imuran. I also have a colonoscopy, CT scan, and MRI coming up in the next month. Whew....this should be interesting.

So far, I've actually felt alright; no weird side effects from any meds. As long as I don't get puffy from the Prednisone, I think I'll be OK with any of it.

I had a little breakdown last week, well a couple little ones to be honest, but I've come to terms with it all and am ready to take on my Crohn's from this angle. My doctor seemed really positive that he could help me get better started a week or so after I start my medications.

I am also part of a study, called REACT, that is to help my doctor and I treat my Crohn's in the best way possible. Every 2 months I will be filling in questionnaires, a follow-up on 6 months, and the number and email of my research nurse for any questions I may have. I'm feeling hopeful again that I can live a "normal" life. That's a scary thought though, after having Crohn's for 12 years I'm not sure what "normal" really is. I think that's what I'm most afraid of is adapting to a life where Crohn's won't be the focal point and the thing I can't escape from....I might be able to do more things; like travel, long canoe trips, random, spontaneous things that everyone else seems to do!!!!!!! Fingers crossed! :)

I have a great group of people around me that help me everyday, they know who they are, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart! :) xo

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