Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Results Are In!

I'm a little behind on writing this one, but better late than never!

A couple weeks ago I had my follow-up appointment with my GI to find out the results of my CT and MRI. So, here goes....

The medications that he's put me on seem to be working...I'm almost off of the Prednisone (thankfully). In another month and a bit I will only be on the Imuran.

The CT showed that the narrowing in my ileum, where the scope couldn't get by during the colonoscopy, is affecting a couple inches into my small intestine...good news! Not awesome news is that the other part of my large intestine that's affected hasn't gotten any worse since I've been on the medications, but it was very close to creating a new opening in the wall of my large intestine because the Crohn's was affecting that area so badly. Thank goodness the medications are working because if that got any worse, I may have had to have surgery.

As long as the medications keep working, I'm hoping that the affected areas will soon start to heal more. The erythema nodosum hasn't been an issue since being on the meds. The bowel sinus tract fistulas have caused me some troubles but I'm on antibiotics for that and it seems to be getting better.

Things are on the up and up. I may have a new job lined up, I graduate in April, I'm with a great guy and we're looking at houses. This is all stuff most people have accomplished at least 5 years ago, but...better late than never! :) I'm looking forward to being happy and having that "grown-up" life!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Hobby!

Being between jobs right now and it's kinda annoying! The painting has slowed right done and I haven't heard back from the resumes that I put out in the fall. I have spent a lot of time fixing my resume and filling out job applications...for any job!

One good thing that has come from all this spare time is a new hobby; crocheting! I know, I sounds a little bit old ladyish, make fun of my all you want, I'm loving it! I've almost completed my first scarf, a very long skinny one; my typical fashion! I am just starting to learn news stitches and am able to understand the patterns. I even joined a site that shares patterns and tips, thanks to a friend of mine having the same interest (of course, she's a little more talented than I am).

I was hoping to get really good at this because I like the idea of making people gifts and making baby clothes for my friends children. And of course making my own kick-ass clothes and accessories! So, here's to my unemployment hobby...maybe I'll make enough stuff to supplement and income! lol

(I hope I get a job soon though, yarn costs money!) :)