Thursday, November 26, 2009

Short Blurb on Life Lessons

Have you ever been so confused how life is taking you that you feel like you can't take anymore? It's so ironic how everytime I've hit this point, I seem to have come to a revelation!

It's always a moment that will catch me off guard too. Like when I feel so stressed out and aren't sure where to go or what to do, that I will have a moment of clarity. This moment can be just a tiny little glimpse into how you want your future to go that it clears your head of every worry...or at least puts everything into perspective. Like earlier today, I got a call from my sister-in-law and ended up talking to my niece. She is such a little bubble of energy that it makes me smile all the time, even though she's exhausting! After I talked to her, I felt a little more centred and calm.

These are the moments that I love; you can be feeling so crappy, but such a little thing like talking to a loved one or having a chat with a friend can set things back into motion.

These are the moments that keep you going and make you walk tall with a purpose! I love those moments and I know that there are always going to be those moments to pull me back up when I think I just want to curl up in bed and not face anything!

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