Sunday, August 22, 2010

Going to Miami!!!

I am so excited for Tuesday...I am heading the Miami with 3 of my good friends!

All three of them are teachers so this is their final summer hurray, for's my 30th birthday! We're going to be in South Beach for 3 days then heading out to sea on a 3-night cruise to the Bahamas! This should be a really fun trip, we're all really good friends and compliment each other, or balance each other in other aspects.

I've already accepted the whole turning 30 thing, maybe I'll have another life epiphany directing me which way to go in life. I always seem to have life-altering revelations when I'm traveling.

So, here's to the trip with awesome friends, turning 30, and new places traveled...can't wait for whatever happens!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Turning the big 3-0!!!!

So in 20 days, I am turning 30!!!!

I had problems with this as soon as I turned 29. It took me until about 3 months ago to come to terms with it, but I have!

I'm actually getting excited about turning the dirty-thirty! For once in my life I feel confident, comfortable and at peace with where I am in life. Things haven't worked out the perfect way that I may have wanted them to in the past but I am feeling pretty damn good about what I've become!

I feel like I've matured into a decent person and am making choices based on what's best for me, not for the people around me! I've spent way too much time in the past concerned with what the person I'm with will think or what other people might think about me that I lost myself a couple times. Ok, more than a couple!

I've let go of any vices or issues that I've had in the past and focused on what will make me happy and what is the best for me...and only me!!!

So here I am, ready to go into the next phase of my life...the 30's! I have no doubt that my 30's are going to be better than my 20's, and I can't wait for it!!!