Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tough Decisions In Life

There always comes a time in life when you'll have to choose between two things. Sometimes these things can be an easy choice and other times really, really tough!
I think I'm having one of these times. I have tried all the normal things that go hand-in-hand with decision making; weighing the pros and cons, picturing the outcome of both decisions, and trying to picture my reaction to either decisions. None of this seems to be working! I am stuck between a rock and a hard place and not sure which direction to go.
This has happened to me before, but I've never been so worried about making the right decision. I think I know the choice, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.
How do you know if you're ready or not? Oh goodness, decisions, decisions!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank Goodness For My Gurls!!!

If any of you are reading this, you may know that I'm not a girly-girl. I'm what some may consider a guys-girl. I seem to get along with dudes better than I do with chicks. I'd prefer to watch a game a pub having a beer than gossiping and painting my toenails. Not that I don't do girly things from time to time, I just usually save the shopping and toenail-painting for my personal time.

That being said...I am soooo lucky to have a few ladies that I consider the best friends a girl can have! These ladies are Marianne, Melissa, and Mandy (I just realized that they all start with M, and most people call me Mans...hmmm, the irony!). Anyhow, I had a great girly experience tonight with Mandy. Neither of us were feeling great after Saturday night antics and we almost canceled our plans, thank goodness we didn't! Mandy and I watched two "chick flicks" and made some dinner! I know it sounds really simple, but this is something I cherish doing with her! We sit there and chat for a bit, make fun of each other, have some wine, and then have a couple tears over some movies (the movies being Away We Go and Julie & Julia).

I am so fortunate to have times like these with my girlfriends! They keep me centered, feeling like I'm normal, and loved. No matter what I do or say, sometimes I don't even have to say anything, these girls know what I mean and know how to respond. If I didn't have these friendships, I may seriously fall apart!

It's comforting to know that these girls are there for me, as I am for them. Which would be to the end of the earth and back! I don't go out on a limb for many people, for for my girls, I would do it blindly!

I hope everyone has people this good and amazing in their lives also, if not...you're missing out! No matter what happens, I will always have my gurls!!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Didn't see that one coming!

So here I've been, merrily navigating life, focusing on myself and enjoying the things that come along...then, bam! I'm caught with my head down! Someone I used to date and I have been hanging out, finally at the friendship stage (at least that's what I thought) when the bomb is dropped and the past has to be brought up again. I seriously thought I could get away with the past staying in the past. But noooo, things don't work out like that for me. So I've been thrown off course again and am sitting here, while I should be doing homework, feeling crappy because 7 months ago I made a choice and hurt someone. I know I made the right decision, but I feel so bad that this person is still hurt and feels so bad.
WTF, how do I go back to the whole concentrating on myself and not worrying about others anymore!? I really liked being in that mind-set, I need to get back there to find my sanity again!
Shit is too stressful right now with school finishing up, trying to figure out work for the summer and finding a place to live! Why right now, I'm sick of this being tested crap!