Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank Goodness For My Gurls!!!

If any of you are reading this, you may know that I'm not a girly-girl. I'm what some may consider a guys-girl. I seem to get along with dudes better than I do with chicks. I'd prefer to watch a game a pub having a beer than gossiping and painting my toenails. Not that I don't do girly things from time to time, I just usually save the shopping and toenail-painting for my personal time.

That being said...I am soooo lucky to have a few ladies that I consider the best friends a girl can have! These ladies are Marianne, Melissa, and Mandy (I just realized that they all start with M, and most people call me Mans...hmmm, the irony!). Anyhow, I had a great girly experience tonight with Mandy. Neither of us were feeling great after Saturday night antics and we almost canceled our plans, thank goodness we didn't! Mandy and I watched two "chick flicks" and made some dinner! I know it sounds really simple, but this is something I cherish doing with her! We sit there and chat for a bit, make fun of each other, have some wine, and then have a couple tears over some movies (the movies being Away We Go and Julie & Julia).

I am so fortunate to have times like these with my girlfriends! They keep me centered, feeling like I'm normal, and loved. No matter what I do or say, sometimes I don't even have to say anything, these girls know what I mean and know how to respond. If I didn't have these friendships, I may seriously fall apart!

It's comforting to know that these girls are there for me, as I am for them. Which would be to the end of the earth and back! I don't go out on a limb for many people, for for my girls, I would do it blindly!

I hope everyone has people this good and amazing in their lives also, if're missing out! No matter what happens, I will always have my gurls!!!!!

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