Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Friends Are Hard to Come By!

I have been very grateful in my life! No matter what I've gone through, I've always had wonderful people around me!
This was just reinforced tonight for me. I had one of my best friends come by for dinner, and then I had another best friend, who lives in England, come by with her husband!
I always recognize how special these people are to me, but when I get to see them and spend time with them, it makes me feel like the luckiest person!
I hope that other people have the privilege of having people that are so amazing in their lives!!!
I am going to sleep with a really warm heart tonight! :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Amazing Movie!!!

I just watched the movie Away We Go!!! This is an incredible movie! It stars John Krasinski (hope that's how you spell it) and Maya Rudolph as a couple who get pregnant and try to find where they are going to spend the rest of their lives. They visits friends and family throughout the US, and Montreal, to see where they fit in. I cried because it was such a beautiful story! Not only that, the way the movie was shot and the connection you can feel towards these two is so moving! I sound so cheesy right now but I don't care! It was fantastic!!!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Am I A Cougar!?

I realize I'm older than most of the people that I'm in school with, and that I missed out on a lot of things when I was sick...but is this why I'm attracted to younger guys!?
I know it's going to sound really weird to some people, thank goodness the people I know think it's totally cool, but I don't feel like I'm 29 and maybe this is why I enjoy being around younger guys.
Maybe it's because I'm in college again and most of the dudes I met are younger, or I am seriously a Cougar!!! The guys that are my age either hang off me like wet rags or don't talk to me after hanging out. Not cool either way!
I am friends with people from the ages of 21 to 42, so I don't think I'm being weird. If I met a guy that's older and acted in a cool way, it would probably be no problem. And speaking of that, why is it ok for guys to date younger girls but it's not ok for girls to date younger guys? Something to ponder!
So, I am going to justify my actions by saying that maybe I am immature, or the person I met is mature or maybe this is just how I am...a cradle robbing, Cougar! I think I am way to young to be a Cougar though...maybe a Lynx (at least that's what I'm told) !

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Few of My Favourite Things!

Not only a catchy song, but also those things that give you the warm fuzzy feelings! This is my quick top 20:

1. Sand between my toes.
2. Sun on my face.
3. Bear hugs.
4. Not having to say a word.
5. Crunchy peanut butter and crackers.
6. S'mores.
7. Napping.
8. Travelling; so many places, such little time...and money!
9. Spontaneous moments.
10. Tattoos.
11. Art; every and any kind...I can totally appreciate all of it.
12. Sports; playing them, watching them...pretty much all of it.
13. Wings and beer...that one had to be said!
14. Sushi and Mexiican food!
15. Getting dressed up and having a fancy cocktail.
16. Meeting new people that you know you will be friends with.
17. That silly butterfly in the tummy feeling.
18. Music; too many kinds that I like to elaborate on that!
19. The idea of karma and fate.
20. Blogging...this stuff is kind of addicting!

So there you go, a little rundown of some of my fav's that make me smile! There's more, there's always more!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Short Blurb on Life Lessons

Have you ever been so confused how life is taking you that you feel like you can't take anymore? It's so ironic how everytime I've hit this point, I seem to have come to a revelation!

It's always a moment that will catch me off guard too. Like when I feel so stressed out and aren't sure where to go or what to do, that I will have a moment of clarity. This moment can be just a tiny little glimpse into how you want your future to go that it clears your head of every worry...or at least puts everything into perspective. Like earlier today, I got a call from my sister-in-law and ended up talking to my niece. She is such a little bubble of energy that it makes me smile all the time, even though she's exhausting! After I talked to her, I felt a little more centred and calm.

These are the moments that I love; you can be feeling so crappy, but such a little thing like talking to a loved one or having a chat with a friend can set things back into motion.

These are the moments that keep you going and make you walk tall with a purpose! I love those moments and I know that there are always going to be those moments to pull me back up when I think I just want to curl up in bed and not face anything!

A Positive Note!

This post may differ from the ones I've done before! I want to have a happy moment!

I would like to start off by saying how much I have been enjoying life. Even though I have been working two jobs and am a full-time student, I am at a great stage of my life!

I have met some of the greatest people in the past few months and because of that, have learned so much about myself! I've come to realize that I am actually happy, after being through so much in that past years. It feels really good that I am surrounded by people that really appreciate me and that I feel the same way about.

I have a few really close friends, and I've met more people that I know will become the same way.

I am so glad that I finally feel this way, it's taken me long enough!!! :)

I hope that other people can have this moment in their life where they actually feel happy...no matter how tired or rundown you feel. At the end of the day, it's all worth it!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

To All of Those Who Need Some Tips on Dining Out!!!!

As someone who have been in the service industry for over 10 years, I would like to create a small list of how to conduct yourself while eating in restaurants! This doesn't matter if you are eating at a 4-diamond or the pub around the corner....or, at the college pub!!!!

#1- Please, when your server asks how you are doing today, be nice...even fake it, it's our job be friendly you can at least say that you're doing well!

#2- If you're not ready to order something, feel free to say that you need a couple of minutes. Us servers do have other tables and other things to do other than wait for you to make a decision!

#3- When your server brings you your drink, please give them a little room to place then down on the table. Preferably, sit still so we can place it to your right.

#4- When your table is ready to order and your server comes to take your order, please pay a little bit of attention so I'm not staring at you with a fake smile waiting for you to tell me what you want. Things will be over faster this way = your meal will come out faster!

#5- A good server will likely try to keep your table clear of empty dishes and glasses. So, when we come to clear these items, it's similar to rule #3.

#6- Even if you are a slob, could you try not to be while dining out. Put dirty napkins on your plate so I don't have to touch them! It's kinda gross!

#7- Here's the big one!!! Tipping! Now I do realize that this is a privilege and not a right, but please, be courteous! The standard 15% applies and is usually considered the minimum. If service was good, please...feel free to tip more!!! If it was bad, you should have said something throughout the meal and things could have been taken care of! It's your fault at this point and you should still tip!

Hopefully, some of these will enlighten you on the proper ways to conduct yourself in restaurants! I realize that many people do follow these, but you know who you are that don't!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just Going to Vent About Lack of Common Sense!

I am still having trouble understanding how so many people in society have such a hard time grasping basic concepts!

For example; when talking to a friend in a hallway, why are you standing in the middle of the hall...can't you move over so people don't have to walk around you!? Example No. 2; when texting, your feet automatically slow down (this is for the people who can't chew gum and walk at the same time!) so why don't you find a seat somewhere for two minutes so I don't run you over!? Bored yet...I can keep going! How about when in a library!? Aren't you suppose to keep quiet and work? Not cruise around on Facebook and yell to your buddy across from you about how drunk you were last night!?

(I think I'm starting to feel better!)

What else!? Oh yeah, when driving! Why must you slow pieces of dirt sit in the middle or fast lane? Highway driving etiquette 101: When on the highway, if one chooses to go slow, keep in the right lane. If said individual wants to pass another, move into the middle lane, pass, and then proceed into the right lane again. The middle and fast lanes are for passing, not sitting in at 100 km and picking your nose!

Oh, here's a good one! To those people who answer phones in offices for a living...could you please not sound like it's the end of the world!! You choose to be in that job so try to be a little bit friendly.

I have so much more where all of that came from! I sometimes feel like people have a genetic defect that denies them common sense! Anyone else have something that tics them off!?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging for a School Assignment

This should be an interesting one! I never thought blogging would be included in the college curriculum. I've never blogged before so this should be a good one, especially with the opinions that I have as a 29-year-old going back to college!

Keep following for more!