Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Human Spirit is an Amazing Thing.

It's almost midnight, and I should probably be asleep, but I'm sitting here flicking between CNN, CP24 and any other news that's broadcasting the Chilean miner rescue. I will admit that I have let myself become totally absorbed into this and I'm not ashamed of it. Of course, I have to listen to Anderson Cooper and Larry King spew nonsense journalist blabber about stuff they probably has no clue about!

I am completely blown away that these 33 miners have been able to survive 69 days over half a mile beneath the surface of the earth! The cameras that are in the mine are showing these men in amazing spirits; they're hugging each other, giving each other high-fives, and smiling, true genuine smiles. I would've assumed that by this long at least a couple of them would have had cabin fever or panicked and attacked someone. (I guess it's true what they say when you assume something. ;) These men have supported, taken care of, and helped each other to ensure each of them was able to make it to this day and no one was going to be left behind.

I haven't even tried to put myself in their shoes, honestly, I wouldn't want to. What these men have had to go through is beyond what I can imagine and my heart goes out to them and their families. All these news channels are going on and on about how the miners are going to be mentally damaged and may not be able to recover. I beg to differ! If all 33 miners were able to keep themselves together for this long, take on tasks to ensure the safety of the others and have the mental strength to endure the unimaginable, I think they're going to be fine!

The human spirit can conquer the worst things when it's pushed to the limit. It shows unbelievable character of these men that have overcome being trapped underground. It makes the insignificant problems in life seem meaningless and the good things in life, well...even better! If these men can go on smiling after their ordeal, I think we all can.

Only 2 miners have made it to the surface so far but I'm sure everything will go smoothly to make sure all the men and the rescuers make it safely to the surface to reunite with their families. Hope is a powerful thing!

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