Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's Always Something, but hey...I've got Qigong!

So I've had a bit of a break through with my Crohn's; don't take anything! The natural medications that I was trying were not working, actually...they may have made things worse! I've decided to quit all of them but try to pick up the antibiotics once-a-day for the bowel sinus tract cysts...the jury is still out on whether that's working or not, though.

Since last Thursday I have improved greatly, my stomach isn't cramping after I eat and, well...the other stuff is "regular" (if ya get what I mean!). I am debating about going back on the B12 injections though because of the erythema nodosum that is affecting my lower legs. Side note: erythema nodosum is a painful condition where small bumps and bruise like lesions occur on the lower legs, mainly, and swell and also causes very sore muscles. The B12 may help the blood flow and iron levels which may, or may not, lessen the severity of the lesions. I've also research a few other possible treatments but, I'll spare you anymore textbook babble in case I've bored anyone already! :)

I started Taichi and Qigong last night! That was an awesome experience! I've not only learned the first 8 moves of a 16 move Taichi sequence but I've also learned how to calm my mind and start to be more self-aware of the way my body moves. I was actually able to relax my back enough last night to realign a couple discs in my back, more like pop them in place, actually.

I am hoping with more classes I will be able to get rid of the blockages in my body and get the energy flowing throughout the way it should be. That may help with the erythema nodosum and the edema problems too!!!!

That's about it for now, I was starting to feel a little down but, I've come out on the shiny, happy side again! I've gained a mantra that has helped me a lot. It's really simple and makes sense to me; Just Be. I repeat this no matter where or what I'm doing as soon as I feel my self get a little high strung about something, keeps my calm. :)

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