Monday, September 27, 2010

The Many Roads to Happiness!

If you've been reading my blog, you may have noticed a change in my attitude lately; in earlier blogs, I would sit there and vent about something that ticked me off that day. Now, I've started to focus on the things that have made me happy! It's amazing what a change in attitude and a small adjustment in lifestyle can bring.

It's hasn't even been a week since I've decided to try a new direction in maintaining my Crohn's but...I've felt better in the past few days than I have in a month! I didn't realize just how much I was focusing on feeling ill instead of what I could do to make myself feel better. So, a week ago yesterday, I decided I needed to do something about it.

I let myself down and was giving into the self-pity that I loath so much. I used to always let myself have a moment, focus on how bad I was feeling and then get over it and do something proactive to change how I was feeling. I had lost touch of that and was spiralling downwards. Then, came the fantastic change! It's true what they say; sometimes you have to hit bottom before you pick yourself up and move on.

I hit that point, and now I've moved on! I have attempted before to focus on positivity and the good in bad situations but I now, feel like I was never putting in the effort required to really make a difference. Since I've started my own treatment and really, really focused on maintaining a positive outlook, I can see and feel the difference. I think it's the 'feeling' that I've noticed most! I have been trying a new technique of relaxing my body and calming my mind and I truly believe that I'm even more in touch with my body and my self than I ever have been before.

I feel like I've had a major revelation that is only going to get stronger and stronger and have a serious, positive impact on my life. I have finally let go of the negative feelings that I've been harbouring for way too long and, when I was able to do that, I literally felt a weight lift from my being! I don't know how to explain it, exce that I feel like I'm walking with my head higher, a lighter step and a truly natural smile on my face.

I've learned to tap into the movements of my body and understand how my body moves, how my mind comprehends things and how I've been perceiving things. I know it may sound kind of hokey to some people, but to the people that have ever experienced this...well, here's an unspoken moment between us because I really can't explain it any better!

I know this is a long-winded blog tonight, but it's worth it! I feel like I need to pass this feeling around in hopes that others may "get it" also! :)

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