Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pain = Gain!!!

Well it seems I'm getting back to my usual self; the person that pushes herself 'til she almost breaks and doesn't know the meaning of stop. Ah, feels kinda good...slightly painful, but good!

I went to Killarney last Saturday and had an amazing yet punishing canoe and hiking trip. We went to the French River Tourist Centre then the Trading Post before preceding to Johnny Lake. It was an awesome day, perfect for paddling, the water was really calm and the sun wasn't too hot. We were about an hour and a half with three short portages to get us to the start of the Silver Peak trail. I thought I was holding my own on the trail and doing really well, until we took the infamous left turn! I still didn't think it was too bad, then, we took another turn...this time straight up! We were climbing over rocks the size of truck tires for what seemed forever. It only took and hour and a bit to reach the top, but I seriously thought it took a couple years off my life!

Once we reached the top though, it's a whole different attitude that you take on. I felt no pain, I felt calm and even a little proud of myself. I have to admit, I sucked it up and let the great person I was with help me over some rocks instead of being my usual bull-headed self.

On the way back, everything hurt even more. I finally bonked when the last part of the paddle was over, I actually closed my eyes or stared at my blade in the water so I wouldn't see how far we were from the end!

It was an awesome trip! I had a really great time and learned to stop being so stubborn sometimes and accept the help offered to me. (Thanks for that ;)

Now, another weekend has come along. The Oro Fair tomorrow night, which I've never been too even though I've lived in Barrie for over 16 years! Then my Hillsdale ball tourney Saturday and riding for Terry Fox on Sunday. I might have to remember my lesson from last weekend! I haven't been on my bike in a very long time but, gotta start somewhere right! At least I'll be getting into shape for the cross-country skiing and snowshoeing season! ;)

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